Student Chromebooks Over Summer

As we approach the conclusion of the 2022-2023 school year, we would like to explain how we will be proceeding with our student devices this summer.

In order to provide flexibility, we would like the majority of our students to keep their district provided Chromebooks over the summer. All students currently in 2nd-7th grade will keep their device over the summer. If they are participating in a summer school session, they will need to bring their devices with them daily, as they would normally during the school year.


Q: What if our family moves out of the district over the summer?

A: You will need to return the district Chromebook(s) to the school office when transferring your student(s) out. 


Q: How can I manage and view what my student is doing on their Chromebook at home?

A: All parents can sign into the Securly Home app that is associated with your registered email address in order to set limitations and view historical activity when your student is using their Chromebook at home. Please follow the link below for more information that is available on our district website. *As a reminder, our Securly content filter runs on all student Chromebooks no matter what network they are connected to.


Click Here for Securly Home Instructions for Parents

Please be sure to review the Chromebook Loan Agreement that is signed during the registration process. It is important that everyone maintains the device, charger, and bag that are provided by North Palos School District 117 in order to resume their use in the classroom for next year. Thank you for your help in making it another successful school year!